24 hour emergency police station phone 07767 497 423


T: 0208 880 5000

F: 0204 506 9000


Please note that this office is closing on the 25th March 2024

You can still phone us on 0208 880 5000 and the call will be diverted to Ms Healy or Mr Pallis

You can still make contact with Monica Healy by email at monicahealy@clintondavispallis.co.uk or by telephone on 07961744300.

Monica is retiring in the next few months and is not taking any new work. She will try and complete current cases as far as possible but long running matters may have to be transferred to other solicitors.

Mr Pallis will continue criminal work and can be contacted at howardpallis@clintondavispallis.co.uk or by telephone on 07767497423

We thank all our clients for their patronage and support

Our offices will be closing permanently from the 25th of March

Contact our Solicitors

Primary Contact:
Monica Healy
020 8342 5800
020 8341 2605

Family Law

Family Law Clinic

Every Wednesday a Family Law Solicitor will be available at this office.

£100 for a one-hour family law consultation

Know what the Law can do for you so you can plan your future:

  • Get advice on your rights if your relationship has broken down.
  • Can you get maintenance, stay in your home?
  • Who will your children live with, how much time can they spend with you?

Wednesdays 10:00am to 4:00pm

To book your appointment visit our office reception, or call 0208 342 5800.


Separation Agreement

If you are in a legally binding partnership, marriage or civil partnership, then that legal status can only be ended by a court. In that way it is not like a business partnership nor a Limited company. However there are many aspects of your lives together that may need to be sorted out besides legal status, and if you have been living together without legal ties you may still need an agreement. When you stare at each other over the breakfast cups and say “That’s it, its over, lets hand in the keys and go our separate ways” and shake on it, that’s a separation agreement, a verbal one. You only might need it in writing if it takes rather more negotiating to agree the terms. You may need it in writing if you have a house or flat to sell or transfer, or if you want the reassurance that your ex- is not going to try to go back on it.

If there is an agreement between spouses or civil partners there are specific rules about how to ensure that you can later have that agreement approved by the court. We can guide you through the process and draw up an agreement that will follow those rules and enable you to have a clean break if possible.

Contact our Solicitors

Primary Contact:
Monica Healy
020 8342 5800
0204 506 9000

Divorce or Dissolution

If you are in a legally binding partnership, marriage or civil partnership, in many ways it is like a Limited company in that you-as-a-couple are something different to two individuals. It is also a bit like a business partnership. A very big difference however is that your legal status can only be ended by a court.

The procedure for divorce (if married) or dissolution (if in a civil partnership) is the same. One party has to send in to the court a document called a Petition together with the Marriage or Partnership certificate and the Court fee. The court fee is currently £550. There is a scheme for remission of Court fees Court and Tribunal fees although the evidence requirements are very strict.

The Petition is how you tell the court that your relationship has irretrievably broken down. That is the only “Ground” for divorce or dissolution. Then you have to prove one of four facts:- behaviour such that you cannot reasonably be expected to live with the other, desertion for two years, two years separation with the consent of the other or five years separation. If you are in a heterosexual marriage you may also be able to rely on adultery.

We can advise you on the fact to use, depending on your particular circumstances and draw up the Petition for you and liaise with the court to steer the Petition through. So long as your soon-to-be-ex partner does not defend the action we can do this for a fixed fee of £850 + VAT £170 total £1020.

Very often however we find that the divorce or dissolution is “the easy bit” ! What takes time and effort is separating yourselves practically and financially and sorting things out for the children.

Child Arrangement Order

If you cannot live with the other parent of your child, you will probably need to work out how you are going to manage time and money. The best solution is to talk to each other and decide what is best for the children. The next best is to get some help to work out a “parenting plan” There are good resources on the internet to help you think through all the issues. For example the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (usually shortened to CAFCASS) has a lot of useful information such as Help with parenting together after separation

One particular way of arriving at your parenting plan is to use a mediator who can help you talk and listen to each other. One of several umbrella organisations for mediators is the Family Mediation Council – see Find Local Mediator North London

If you cannot sort things out face to face then we can help you negotiate. It is sometimes helpful to understand what your legal rights and the children’s are, to strengthen you in negotiation, and letters (including emails) or phone calls from or between solicitors can help to cool things down.

If we think that there absolutely is no other way forward then we will advise you to ask the court to decide on arrangements, and that is when a Child Arrangement Order may come into place, covering who a child should live with and how much time a child should spend with each parent (and occasionally other family members). The court may require you to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, in which case you would go “back two steps” but perhaps it will help take you fellow parent “three steps forward” if they have been being unreasonable.

The court process consists of at least one more attempt to resolve your differences by discussion with the supervision of the Judge at court and the support of CAFCASS, then if need be CAFCASS may be asked to write a report for the Judge and you will be asked to file statements setting out your point of view. At the end a Judge can listen to each party and impose arrangements.

The court cannot however ordinarily make orders about money to be paid by one parent to the other to cover the cost of looking after the child. That is dealt with by the Child Maintenance Service. Like the courts the CMS will do everything to persuade you to agree between you. There are clear guidelines with an on-line calculator available.

Paying for Family Law Help

Although Legal Aid is not available through us for family problems, we try to keep our charges reasonable and to have some “special offers” for particular circumstances.

  • At our Clinic (on a Wednesday) an hour’s advice will cost £120 including VAT, payable on the day at the start of the session
  • So long as your soon-to-be-ex partner does not defend the Petition we will act in a divorce with no foreign element for a fixed fee of £850 + VAT £170 total £1020 in addition to the £550 court fee (grand total £1,570.00)
  • We will happily work to a budget, usually by agreeing to advise you on a session-by-session basis for £250.00 per hour including VAT, again payable in advance .

We are always happy to bill you regularly so that you can keep control of the costs and do not run up large bills.


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We practise in England and Wales and we are a solicitor's practice regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA no 312864.
VAT no 221 0470 24

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Emergency 24hr telephone number for police station assistance: 07767 497 423

We practise in England and Wales and we are a solicitor's practice regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA no 312864.

VAT no 221 0470 24