24 hour emergency police station phone 07767 497 423


T: 0208 880 5000

F: 0204 506 9000


Please note that this office is closing on the 25th March 2024

You can still phone us on 0208 880 5000 and the call will be diverted to Ms Healy or Mr Pallis

You can still make contact with Monica Healy by email at monicahealy@clintondavispallis.co.uk or by telephone on 07961744300.

Monica is retiring in the next few months and is not taking any new work. She will try and complete current cases as far as possible but long running matters may have to be transferred to other solicitors.

Mr Pallis will continue criminal work and can be contacted at howardpallis@clintondavispallis.co.uk or by telephone on 07767497423

We thank all our clients for their patronage and support

Our offices will be closing permanently from the 25th of March

 Any wills that we were holding for clients have been transferred to Messrs Dowse and Co Solicitors of 23-25 Dalston Lane London E8 3DF Telephone 020 7254 6205 to whom all enquiries should be addressed.

Contact our Solicitors

Primary Contact:
Monica Healy
020 8342 5800
020 8341 2605

Criminal Defence

If you need help at the Police station, Magistrates Court or Crown Court, our Criminal Department offers a specialised criminal service. We are available 24 hours a day by contacting us on 07767 497 423

This Department is staffed by Howard Pallis who is a Duty solicitor and has many years of representing criminal clients in Police stations, Magistrates and Crown Courts. We also have a consultant John Selby who is a Duty solicitor and formerly worked for many years running the criminal dept at Percy Short & Cuthbert

We have experience of conducting murders, large scale financial frauds, serious sexual offences and complex cases. We use Barristers from 2 Bedford Row which is one of London leading Barristers Chambers.

Contact our Solicitors

Primary Contact:
Howard Pallis
020 8342 5800
0204 506 9000

Motoring Offences

Most driving offences e.g careless driving, drink drive, no insurance, speeding will not attract legal aid and we can offer a package to pay for representation.

When a client appears in the Magistrates Court and because of means testing, do not qualify for legal aid we can represent them with reasonable fees at affordable hourly rates.

We undertake representation in motoring offences for example speeding ,driving without due care , driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and any other form of motoring breaches requiring an appearance in the Magistrates Court .We represent taxi drivers who are at risk of losing their license by reason of motoring offences they face.

We will charge a fee of £1,200 plus V.A.T. for a trial.

This will include the fees for a junior Barrister or one of our solicitors will appear. If you wish a more senior Barrister our fees will increase to cover the cost. As part of this fee we will interview you in our offices to discuss your case and prepare for the trial.

Our fees will further increase if we have to pay for an expert which could include photos, evidence for drink drive cases or in any case where we have to expend money on a person who will provide expert evidence from outside our practice.

The basic fee will only increase if the case is complicated by reason of your proposed defence or by the amount of paperwork forwarded by the prosecution. If this occurs, we will notify you in advance and charge at £180 per hour.

We will only consider a lower fee where the client’s income warrants such a reduction .We will reduce our fee to £950 plus V.A.T. (plus the additions stated above), in the case of a trial. By reducing our fee this will reduce the money available to instruct counsel which may mean a less experienced Barrister.

In respect of pleas of guilty we will charge the basic sum of £375 plus V.A.T. and again if a senior Barrister is required then higher fees will be incurred and if experts or extra work is required the total fees will increase.

Contact our Solicitors

Primary Contact:
Howard Pallis
020 8342 5800
0204 506 9000


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Wills and Probate


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Criminal Defence

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We practise in England and Wales and we are a solicitor's practice regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA no 312864.

VAT no 221 0470 24

Call Clinton Davis Pallis Solicitors for conducting buying and selling your home or business, probate and will services Landlord and Tenant in the Crouch End Hornsey and Haringey areas.


14 + 7 =

Emergency 24hr telephone number for police station assistance: 07767 497 423

We practise in England and Wales and we are a solicitor's practice regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA no 312864.

VAT no 221 0470 24